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mongodb-error validating settings: only one positional argument is allowed

I just moved to a new laptop which had mongo 3.0.0 I believe. On the new laptop I have mongo 3.0.4. and trying the script that was working on the old laptop is giving me errors. This line is giving me the error.

mongoimport --host localhost \
            -db roudy123_q \
            -collection LebaneseAmericanUniversity\(Lebanon\).json \
            --file LebaneseAmericanUniversity\(Lebanon\).json \

error validating settings: only one positional argument is allowed.

I googled the error and the only relevant result was the source code of mongoimport. So I guess it has something to do with the new version.

like image 696
Roudy Tarabay Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 11:06

Roudy Tarabay

3 Answers

Just a wild guess...

... but the various long options should be specified using --, not -:

mongoimport --host localhost \
            --db roudy123_q \
            --collection LebaneseAmericanUniversity\(Lebanon\).json \
            --file LebaneseAmericanUniversity\(Lebanon\).json \

Maybe this particular version of mongoimport is more punctilious about that, and will treat -db ... -collection ... as positional arguments rather than keyword arguments ?

like image 143
Sylvain Leroux Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 11:11

Sylvain Leroux

This error can also occur if white spaces are given without a "\" in the path to the file . Ex: This wont work: Error

But this would work :

works fine

like image 45
rakshith91 Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 11:11


If you are getting mongodb-error validating settings: only one positional argument is allowed.

  1. Just put --file path in " ".

2.use / instead of \ in --file path.

  1. Also, put --host in " ".

For example:
Suppose you are trying to import data from your local machine to server (MongoDB Atlas or your MongoDB server or locally) in your collection then follow this:

mongoimport --host "cluster0-shard-00-01-ceax1.mongodb.net:27017" --db <dbname> --type json --file "C:/Users/ranjeet/Downloads/MongoDb project/ranjeet.json" --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username <Username> --password <Password> --collection <CollectionName>
like image 1
ranjeet rai Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 11:11

ranjeet rai