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Add json data to existing array

I have 2 json files,services.json and services_show.json.At page load am fetching the data from services.json and it working properly.On a button click,i need to fetch the contents from service_show.json and append to the services array but it does not work.

var beautyApp = angular.module('findbeauty', []);


    $http.get('http://localhost/Find-Beauty/media/services.json').success(function(data) {

    $scope.Add = function(){

        $http.get('http://localhost/Find-Beauty/media/services_show.json').success(function(data) {



    $scope.ViewMore = function(){



            "name": "Arun",
            "gender": "Damen",
            "duration": "1.5 Stunden",
            "price": "€65,00",
            "imagepath": "media/images/prfilepic1.png",
            "percentage": "90%"


            "name": "Schnitt & Föhnen",
            "gender": "Damen",
            "duration": "1.5 Stunden",
            "price": "€65,00",
            "imagepath": "media/images/profilepic4.png",
            "percentage": "25%"



                "name": "Schnitt & Föhnen",
                "gender": "Damen",
                "duration": "1.5 Stunden",
                "price": "€65,00",
                "imagepath": "media/images/profilepic4.png",
                "percentage": "5%"


                "name": "Schnitt & Föhnen",
                "gender": "Damen",
                "duration": "1.5 Stunden",
                "price": "€65,00",
                "imagepath": "media/images/prfilepic1.png",
                "percentage": "50%"


How can i push the services_show.json data to $scope.services ? Any Help?

like image 927
Gopesh Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 09:09


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In the initial step, we can read a JSON file and parsing to a Java object then need to typecast the Java object to a JSonObject and parsing to a JsonArray. Then iterating this JSON array to print the JsonElement. We can create a JsonWriter class to write a JSON encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.

1 Answers

Array.prototype.push.apply() can be used for merging two arrays.

Merge the second array into the first one

$scope.services.push.apply($scope.services, data.services);
like image 118
Satpal Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10
