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Money-Rails Gem: Humanized_money in Models

In my Donations Model, I have monetized the amount_cents column

I need the humanized version of the donation amount (Eg. 643.50) in the Model so I can generate and send a PDF receipt to the donor.

I've tried humanized_money(self.amount) and self.amount.humanized_money but get the error :

NoMethodError: undefined method `humanized_money' for #<Donation:0x007fa687ebb678>

How can I get this humanized form in the Models?

class Donation < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :donatable, polymorphic: true
  belongs_to :added_by_user, foreign_key: "added_by", class_name: "User"

  store_accessor :details, :method

  monetize :amount_cents

  def donations_this_week(branch_id)
    sum =  Donation.sum(:amount_cents).to_money
    return humanized_money(sum)

  def receipt
        id: id,
        product: "GoRails",
        message: "This receipt is to acknowledge that we have received a donation with the below details from #{self.donatable.name}",
        company: {
            name: self.donatable.branch.organization.name,
            address: "#{self.donatable.branch.address_line_1}\n#{self.donatable.branch.address_line_2}\n#{self.donatable.branch.email}\n#{self.donatable.branch.legal_details}",
            email: self.donatable.branch.email,
            logo: self.donatable.branch.organization.logo.url(:medium),
        line_items: [
            ["Date",           created_at.to_s],
            ["Donor Name", self.donatable.name],
            ["Amount",         humanized_money(self.amount)],
            ["Payment Method",     self.method],

Below is the database schema :

create_table "donations", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string   "donatable_type"
t.integer  "donatable_id"
t.integer  "amount_cents"
t.datetime "created_at",                  null: false
t.datetime "updated_at",                  null: false
t.datetime "date"
t.integer  "added_by"
t.jsonb    "details",        default: {}, null: false
like image 659
Michael Victor Avatar asked Aug 19 '15 04:08

Michael Victor

3 Answers

To do this without loading everything in ActionView::Base. You can just do

return ActionController::Base.helpers.humanized_money sum
like image 126
Optimus Pette Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Optimus Pette

Including ActionView::Base will add a LOT of extra stuff to your model, do NOT do it this way.

Do this instead:

include MoneyRails::ActionViewExtension

This way you get all (5 at the time of this post) of the money view helper methods.

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Mitch Nick Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Mitch Nick

NoMethodError: undefined method `humanized_money' for #<Donation:0x007fa687ebb678>

From the error message its clear that you are calling the humanized_money helper method for a Donation object, NOT a Money object. That's why its failing.

If you monetized the amount_cents column properly already, then automagically, your amount column will be of Money type i.e. Money object which you can pass to the humanized_money helper method as parameter like this:

humanized_money amount

I would say, check the type of your amount and make sure its a Money object which it should be if you properly monetized amount_cents column of your Donation model. That's why it's not working in this case.


Looks like humanized_money is defined in the action_view_extension of the money-rails gem and expected to work in views only. Not in model.

A possible solution to this problem would be to include ActionView::Base module in the Model, that would make the humanized_money method available inside the model. And then you can call humanized_money in your model like:

 include ActionView::Base
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K M Rakibul Islam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

K M Rakibul Islam