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Google Polymer with rails 4

I have build a Ruby on rails app.I want to use polymer with my ruby on rails app. Cam anybody suggest some good resources to learn polymer with rails ?

Is it efficient to use polymer with ruby on rails ? Please also suggest other better options than polymer, if any ?

like image 621
Adt Avatar asked Nov 12 '14 09:11


2 Answers

I am using bower, so I expect you already have bower setup on your system. (brew install node && npm install bower)

  1. Set up you gems

    gem 'bower-rails'
    gem 'emcee'
  2. bundle install

  3. rails g bower_rails:initialize

  4. rails g emcee:install

  5. Setup your bower file. Below is what mine looks like:

    asset 'angular'
    asset 'angular-route'
    asset 'angular-resource'
    asset 'angular-mocks'
    asset 'webcomponentsjs'
    asset 'polymer', github: 'Polymer/polymer' 
    asset 'polymer-core-elements', github: 'Polymer/core-elements' 
    asset 'polymer-paper-elements', github: 'Polymer/paper-elements'
    asset 'platform'
    # Voice Synthesis and Recognition
    asset 'voice-elements'

    Figure out the ones you need and delete the rest.

  6. rake bower:install
    To download the components but take note that the files will be saved in vendor/assets/bower_components and not vendor/assets/components expected by emcee. So you will need to make symbolic link.

  7. Setup symbolic links

    • first remove components i.e. rm -rf vendor/assets/components
    • then set up the symlink i.e. ln -s vendor/assets/bower_components vendor/assets/components
  8. Now setup your assets

    # app/assets/components/application.html
    *= require polymer/polymer
    # app/assets/javascripts/application.js
    //= require angular/angular
    //= require angular-route/angular-route
    //= require angular-resource/angular-resource
    //= require webcomponentsjs/webcomponents
    //= require platform/platform

    (Please note that I only included all I am using for testing. As stated before, remove those you don't need).

  9. Just some house cleaning you jump off to start trying things out. Include Bower components in rake assets path.

    # config/application.rb
    config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("vendor","assets","bower_components")

    And that is about it for setup. Jump on it and start using it.

  10. Include html import tag in your layout file

    = html_import_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true
  11. And call a sample polymer in your view

    # sample.html.haml
    %paper-tabs{:selected => "0", :scrollable => ""}
      %paper-tab Skills
      %paper-tab Experiences
      %paper-tab Education

Ref http://angular-rails.com/bootstrap.html http://www.akitaonrails.com/2014/06/29/usando-polymer-com-rails#.VHcoW2SsV81

like image 109
adesakin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09


On deep searching on Google. I have found that 'emcee' is the best to use polymer with rails. following are the options :-




also check- http://joshhuckabee.com/getting-started-polymer-ruby-rails

like image 34
Adt Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
