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Modify a php limit text function adding some kind of offset to it



Maybe you guys can help:

I have a variable called $bio with bio data.

$bio = "Hello, I am John, I'm 25, I like fast cars and boats. I work as a blogger and I'm way cooler then the author of the question";

I search the $bio using a set of functions to search for a certain word, lets say "author" which adds a span class around that word, and I get:

$bio = "Hello, I am John, I'm 25, I like fast cars and boats. I work as a blogger and I'm way cooler then the <span class=\"highlight\">author</span> of the question";

I use a function to limit the text to 85 chars:

$bio = limit_text($bio,85);

The problem is when there are more then 80 chars before the word "author" in $bio. When the limit_text() is applied, I won't see the highlighted word author.

What I need is for the limit_text() function to work as normal, adding all the words that contain the span class highlight at the end. Something like this:

*"This is the limited text to 85 chars, but there are no words with the span class highlight so I am putting to be continued ... **author**, **author2** (and all the other words that have a span class highlight around them separate by comma "*

Hope you understood what I mean, if not, please comment and I'll try to explain better.

Here is my limit_text() function:

function limit_text($text, $length){ // Limit Text
        if(strlen($text) > $length) {
        $stringCut = substr($text, 0, $length);
        $text = substr($stringCut, 0, strrpos($stringCut, ' '));
        return $text;


$xturnons = str_replace(",", ", ", $xturnons);
$xbio = str_replace(",", ", ", $xbio);

$xbio = customHighlights($xbio,$toHighlight); 
$xturnons = customHighlights($xturnons,$toHighlight);

$xbio = limit_text($xbio,85);
$xturnons = limit_text($xturnons,85);

The customHighlights function which adds the span class highlighted:

function addRegEx($word){ // Highlight Words
        return "/" . $word . '[^ ,\,,.,?,\.]*/i';
    function highlight($word){
        return "<span class='highlighted'>".$word[0]."</span>";
    function customHighlights($searchString,$toHighlight){
        $searchFor = array_map('addRegEx',$toHighlight);
        $result = preg_replace_callback($searchFor,'highlight',$searchString);
        return $result;
like image 257
webmasters Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 23:06


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1 Answers

This change to your limit_text function will take the text, and cut it if it's longer than the given $length. If you pass a $needle to it, it will search for the first occurrence of it, and end your sentence with it.

Also, if the text is cut before it's actual length, it will add $addition to it, while still preserving the limit of $length characters.

I've included a usage and a sample output based on your given below:

*   $text - The text to cut from
*   $length - The amount of characters that should be returned
*   $needle - If needle is given and found in the text, and it is 
*             at least $length far from the start of the string - it will end the sentence with it.
*   $addition - If the sentence was cut in the middle, will add it to the end of it.
function limit_text($text, $length, $needle="", $addition="...") { 
    if(strlen($text) > $length) {
        $length -= strlen($addition);

        $start = 0;
        $trimLast = true;
        if (!empty($needle)) {
            $needleStart = strpos($text, $needle);

            if ($needleStart > $length) {
                $length -= strlen($needle);
                $start = $needleStart + strlen($needle) - $length;
                $trimLast = false;

        $stringCut = substr($text, max(0, $start), $length);
        if ($start > 0) {
            $stringCut = substr($stringCut, strpos($stringCut, ' ')+1);
        if ($trimLast) {
            $lastWhitespace = strrpos($stringCut, ' ');
            $stringCut = substr($stringCut, 0, $lastWhitespace);

        // split into words (so we won't replace words that contain it in the middle)
        // and wrap $needle with <span class="highlighted"></span>
        if (!empty($needle)) {
            $words = explode(" ", $stringCut);
            $needles = array_keys($words, $needle);
            foreach ($needles as $needleKey) {
                $words[$needleKey] = "<span class=\"highlighted\">$needle</span>";

            $stringCut = implode(" ", $words);
        $text = $stringCut.$addition;
    return $text;

$bio = "Hello, I am John, I'm 25, I like fast cars and boats. I work as a blogger and I'm way cooler then the author of the question";
$text = limit_text($bio, 85, "author");


string (111) "fast cars and boats. I work as a blogger and I'm way cooler then the <span class="highlighted">author</span>..."
like image 61
Dvir Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10
