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Mod_wsgi pylons (ckan) installation not working

I am setting up CKAN, a pylons application according to these instructions: http://packages.python.org/ckan/deployment.html

But when I point to the server (no DNS setup yet) using IP or hostname, I only see apache's greeting page, sugesting the ckan app is not being loaded.

here is my mod_wsgi script:

import os
instance_dir = '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br'
config_file = 'ckan.emap.fgv.br.ini'
pyenv_bin_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'pyenv', 'bin')
activate_this = os.path.join(pyenv_bin_dir, 'activate_this.py')
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
from paste.deploy import loadapp
config_filepath = os.path.join(instance_dir, config_file)
from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig
application = loadapp('config:%s' % config_filepath)

here is my virtual host configuration:

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName dck093

ServerAlias dck093

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py
# pass authorization info on (needed for rest api)
WSGIPassAuthorization On

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ckan.emap.fgv.br.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ckan.emap.fgv.br.custom.log combined
<Directory /home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

I try to disable the 000-default site (with a2dissite), but that dind't help.After doing this I get an Internal server error page. After a fixing some permissions I managed to get this Pylons error log:

sudo tail /var/log/apache2/ckan.emap.fgv.br.error.log 
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]     app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/repoze/who/middleware.py", line 107, in __call__
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]     app_iter = app(environ, wrapper.wrap_start_response)
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]   File "/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pylons/middleware.py", line 201, in __call__
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]     self.app, environ, catch_exc_info=True)
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]   File "/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pylons/util.py", line 94, in call_wsgi_application
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]     app_iter = application(environ, start_response)
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/weberror/evalexception.py", line 226, in __call__
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client]     "The EvalException middleware is not usable in a "
[Wed Mar 30 12:38:32 2011] [error] [client] AssertionError: The EvalException middleware is not usable in a multi-process environment

Can anyone point out what am I missing?

like image 768
fccoelho Avatar asked Mar 30 '11 11:03


1 Answers

Since you're deploying on apache, ensure that you are not in interactive debug mode - which uses EvalException. In your Pylons config file (ckan.emap.fgv.br.ini) ensure you have this:

set debug = false
like image 199
dave Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
