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Python problem executing popen in cron

I use popen to execute commands in a Python script, and I call it via cron.
Cron calls out this script but the behavior isn't the same if I call it by hand.


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

pp = Popen('/usr/bin/which iptables', shell=True, stdout=PIPE)

data = ''
for ln in pp.stdout:
    data = data+ln

if data == '':
    print 'ko'
    print 'ok : '+data

By hand:

# python /home/user/test.py
> : /sbin/iptables

By cron (in /tmp/err_cron):

* * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/user/test.py >> /tmp/err_cron

Why does cron not run this script normally?

like image 877
Kevin Campion Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 18:10

Kevin Campion

1 Answers

Normally when processes are run from cron, the PATH is set to a very restrictive value (the man page for my crontab says /usr/bin:/bin). You may need to add:


to the top of your crontab file.

like image 92
Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Greg Hewgill