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Mocking IO Actions: getArgs and putStrLn

I'm trying to test a small function (or rather, IO Action) that takes a command line argument and outputs it to the screen. My original (untestable) function is:

-- In Library.hs
module Library where

import System.Environment (getArgs)

run :: IO ()
run = do
  args <- getArgs
  putStrLn $ head args

After looking at this answer about mocking, I have come up with a way to mock getArgs and putStrLn by using a type class constrained type. So the above function becomes:

-- In Library.hs
module Library where

class Monad m => SystemMonad m where
  getArgs :: m [String]
  putStrLn :: String -> m ()

instance SystemMonad IO where
  getArgs = System.Environment.getArgs
  putStrLn = Prelude.putStrLn

run :: SystemMonad m => m ()
run = do
  args <- Library.getArgs
  Library.putStrLn $ head args

This Library., Prelude. and System.Environment. are to avoid compiler complaints of Ambigious Occurence. My test file looks like the following.

-- In LibrarySpec.hs
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

import Library
import Test.Hspec
import Control.Monad.State

data MockArgsAndResult = MockArgsAndResult [String] String
  deriving(Eq, Show)

instance SystemMonad (State MockArgsAndResult) where 
    getArgs = do 
      MockArgsAndResult args _ <- get
      return args
    putStrLn string = do
      MockArgsAndResult args _ <- get
      put $ MockArgsAndResult args string
      return ()

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
  describe "run" $ do
    it "passes the first command line argument to putStrLn" $ do
      (execState run (MockArgsAndResult ["first", "second"] "")) `shouldBe` (MockArgsAndResult ["first", "second"] "first")

I'm using a State monad that effectively contains 2 fields.

  1. A list for the command line arguments where the mock getArgs reads from
  2. A string that the mock putStrLn puts what was passed to it.

The above code works and seems to test what I want it to test. However, I'm wondering if there is some better / cleaner / more idiomatic way of testing this. For one thing, I'm using the same state to both put stuff into the test (my fake command line arguments), and then get stuff out of it (what was passed to putStrLn.

Is there a better way of doing what I'm doing? I'm more familiar with mocking in a Javascript environment, and my knowledge of Haskell is pretty basic (I arrived at the above solution by a fair bit of trial and error, rather than actual understanding)

like image 603
Michal Charemza Avatar asked Dec 02 '14 18:12

Michal Charemza

1 Answers

The better way is to avoid needing to provide mock versions of getArgs and putStrLn by separating out the heart of the computation into a pure function.

Consider this example:

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  let n = length $ filter (\w -> length w < 5) args
  putStrLn $ "Number of small words: " ++ show n

One could say that the heart of the computation is counting the number of small words which is a pure function of type [String] -> Int. This suggest that we should refactor the program like this:

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  let n = countSmallWords args
  putStrLn $ "Number of small words: " ++ show n

countSmallWords :: [String] -> Int
countSmallWords ws = ...

Now we just test countSmallWords, and this is easy because it is pure function.

like image 107
ErikR Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10
