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Why the TestCaseSource is executed before TestFixtureSetUp in Nunit

I have to create database on the setup event and drop into teardown event,the flow is working when i have not used TestCaseSource.But the moment come i have to used TestCaseSource then the execution order of NUnit test case is changed.

My database is not created (you can say setup event not called),But I have to used TestCaseSource for pulling data from table which is created by the setup event and dropped into teardown .

Please suggest how to deal this type of scenario.I am using VS 2013

Thanks in advance

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Neeraj Dubey Avatar asked Sep 30 '14 11:09

Neeraj Dubey

1 Answers

I think what you are saying is that using TestCaseSource results in attempting to pull data from a database that has not been created yet (in a SetUp method).

This is just the way NUnit works, see https://github.com/nunit/nunit/issues/141

Maybe you could have TestCaseSource return the query/queries you want to test (instead of the data), and execute the query in the test (after your SetUp has run)?

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Nick Baker Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 20:12

Nick Baker