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Mocking angular service class properties or variables

I am unit testing an angular application and there is a service I need to mock. I am able to mock service methods without any problem but when I try to mock properties in the same way it give me error

My configuration service have one property and one mothod, I want to mock the property as I cannot generate that value.


export class ConfigService {
  public config = 'iamdirect';

  constructor(private http: Http) {

  public load(): Observable<any> {
    return 'Iamokey';

Mocking the service in angular test

// mocking config service
configService = TestBed.get(ConfigService);
spyOn(configService, 'load')
  contactDetails: {
    emailAddress: '[email protected]'

When I do It gives me error.

spyOn(configService, 'config') //config is the property
  contactDetails: {
    emailAddress: '[email protected]'
like image 416
Aniruddha Das Avatar asked Oct 03 '17 17:10

Aniruddha Das

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1 Answers

You can use jasmine to create a spy object or you can use a mock object as the service stub.

let mockConfigService;
let configService: ConfigService;
const subject = new Subject();

beforeEach(() => {

  mockConfigService = {
      config: 'test text',
      load: () => subject.asObservable()

   providers: [
      {provide: ConfigService, useValue: mockConfigService},

  configService = TestBed.get(ConfigService);
like image 108
Anuradha Gunasekara Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10

Anuradha Gunasekara