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Angular canActivate Security

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the security of the app I'm working on. The client side is built on Angular with a Rails API backend. From what I can gather, the general consensus is, if it's on the client, assume it can be compromised. So this makes me wonder when and if I should be using something like canActivate for a route or if I should instead check authorization every time on the server for route requests. I thought of putting the auth request to the server in the canActivate but I assume canActivate can be hacked to respond true, bypassing the need for the server response? If so, what's the point of something like canActivate if it's just a glass door?

like image 963
andyrue Avatar asked May 04 '17 13:05


People also ask

What is CanActivate in angular?

CanActivatelinkInterface that a class can implement to be a guard deciding if a route can be activated. If all guards return true , navigation continues. If any guard returns false , navigation is cancelled.

What is the difference between CanLoad and CanActivate route guards?

Difference between CanLoad and CanActivate is, CanLoad avoids loading the module itself when the validation fails but CanActivate loads the module and validates whether it can instantiate the module or not.

What happens when CanActivate returns false?

canActivate, canActivateChild will result in NavigationCancel event if 'false'/reject() happens in the Guard. Additionally the URL is reset to the base path before the navigation attempt (as though to leave the user on the page they navigated from).

1 Answers

TL;DR: canActivate guards are not used for security but user experience. Data should always be protected via APIs that require authentication.

Suppose you have an application with a login route that is always accessible and a secrets table which shows secret content for a logged-in user:

  • Login
  • SecretsTable with AuthGuard

The AuthGuard checks if the user is logged in and redirects to login if not authenticated. As you said, like anything on the client side this could be compromised. That's why the secret data of your SecretsTable should come from a protected API call. Even if the data is static (the same for any user) you would not just include it in your client application but protect it with this API call.

So what do we need the AuthGuard for? It is not so much for security but rather for user experience. Imagine that the user receives the URL myapp.io/secrets-table via a chat messenger. If we did not have an AuthGuard the user might receive an error message (401) or see an empty table view. Our data is protected but it's still bad user experience. Better: The AuthGuard instantly redirects to the login and might even bring the user back to the secrets table after a successful authentication. Also, we don't have to implement this logic for every view but can reuse our AuthGuard for multiple protected routes.

like image 197
Kim Kern Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Kim Kern