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Missing configuration setting in configuration manager

I often create custom build configurations in my solution's Configuration Manager. When I include previously created projects into the solution they do not automatically include these new configurations. The only way I have found to back fill these projects with the appropriate configuration settings is to manually edit the project file.

Is there a way to force all projects in a solution to all use the same set of Configuration Manager configurations?

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William Edmondson Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 21:11

William Edmondson

2 Answers

I found that removing all the configurations and than adding them back in again fixes all the projects in the solution

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Igorek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


The VS2010 "Export Template Wizard" extension will work for this situation. You will have to create a project and set up all of your configuruations, files, etc. Then export it as a Template. When you start a new project you can select your new template and the settings in the Configuration Manager will carry over. I created a simple test project and this worked. This will not account for any projects that you have already created.

This blog post by DevGuy has a walk through with pictures on the process.

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jhamm Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
