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Why all my exceptions messages now end with "crossed a native/managed boundary"

I've being messing with the debug options and now all my exceptions are like

System.NullReferenceException crossed a native/managed boundary.

Sometimes, when an exception occurs VS asks me to open some .net .cs file as if I have the source code. I wish there is some "Restore Defaults" button. Any idea what do I need to switch to make it work as it normally would?

like image 667
Juan Avatar asked Nov 15 '10 08:11


1 Answers

Solution found here ("an option in Visual Studio 2010 called "Break when exceptions cross AppDomain or managed/native boundaries (Managed only) under Debugging > General"):

Ignore exceptions that cross AppDomains when debugging in Visual Studio 2010

like image 71
Eric Bole-Feysot Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Eric Bole-Feysot