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MinGW sh.exe must NOT be in your path

For me, this simple parameter passed to cmake has worked -DCMAKE_SH="CMAKE_SH-NOTFOUND".

Check you really do not have sh.exe in your PATH by opening a Windows Command Line and typing where sh.exe. If you have this file in your path, the command will return its path (then you should remove it from your PATH) else if windows return it was not found, try to clean up the folder CMakeFiles and a file name CMakeCache.txt somewhere inside your project folder.

Just add


to your

CMakeLists.txt file

It's the problem of your git's path.
I assume you are using the Clion, just check if you have added %gitpath%\binto your path, that's where the problem is. You should use %gitpath%\cmdinstead, typically for me it's D:\Git\cmd.Since the former one includes sh.exe in your path which results in the error.