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Merging large number of files into one






I have around 30 K files. I want to merge them into one. I used CAT but I am getting this error.

cat *.n3 > merged.n3

-bash: /usr/bin/xargs: Argument list too long

How to increase the limit of using the "cat" command? Please help me if there is any iterative method to merge a large number of files.

like image 756
Pallavi Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 11:11


1 Answers

Here's a safe way to do it, without the need for find:

 printf '%s\0' *.n3 | xargs -0 cat > merged.txt

(I've also chosen merged.txt as the output file, as @MichaelDautermann soundly advises; rename to merged.n3 afterward).

Note: The reason this works is:

  • printf is a bash shell builtin, whose command line is not subject to the length limitation of command lines passed to external executables.
  • xargs is smart about partitioning the input arguments (passed via a pipe and thus also not subject to the command-line length limit) into multiple invocations so as to avoid the length limit; in other words: xargs makes as few calls as possible without running into the limit.
  • Using \0 as the delimiter paired with xargs' -0 option ensures that all filenames - even those with, e.g., embedded spaces or even newlines - are passed through as-is.
like image 175
mklement0 Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 04:12
