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MemoryCache OutOfMemoryException

I am trying to figure out how the MemoryCache should be used in order to avoid getting out of memory exceptions. I come from ASP.Net background where the cache manages it's own memory usage so I expect that MemoryCache would do the same. This does not appear to be the case as illustrated in the bellow test program I made:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var cache = new MemoryCache("Cache");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            AddToCache(cache, i);


    private static void AddToCache(MemoryCache cache, int i)
        var key = "File:" + i;
        var contents = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("File.txt");
        var policy = new CacheItemPolicy
            SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(12)

                new HostFileChangeMonitor(
                    new[] { Path.GetFullPath("File.txt") }

        cache.Add(key, contents, policy);

The above throws an out of memory exception after approximately reaching 2GB of memory usage (Any CPU) or after consuming all my machine's physical memory (x64)(16GB).

If I remove the cache.Add bit the program throws no exception. If I include a call to cache.Trim(5) after every cache add I see that it releases some memory and it keeps aproximately 150 objects in the cache at any given time (from cache.GetCount()).

Is calling cache.Trim my program's responsibility? If so when should it be called (like how can my program know that the memory is getting full)? How do you calculate the percentage argument?

Note: I am planning to use the MemoryCache in a long running windows service so it is critical for it to have proper memory management.

like image 377
John Avatar asked May 31 '14 11:05


People also ask

When should I use MemoryCache?

It's for when we have used data in our application or some time after, you have to remove the cache data from our system, then we can use it. This is used for data outside of the cache, like if you saved the data in a file or database and then want to use it in our application.

How do you avoid Outofmemoryexception?

Well, according to the topic of the question, best way to avoid out of memory exception would be not to create objects that fill in that memory. Then you can calculate the length of your queue based on estimate of one object memory capacity. Another way would be to check for memory size in each worker thread.

Is MemoryCache thread-safe?

2. In ASP.NET Core Memory Cache, is the GetOrCreate method thread-safe? Alastair: Yes it is, but this is an area that always seems to trip up developers using it for the first time when they get unexpected results like yours.

What is a MemoryCache?

Memory caching (often simply referred to as caching) is a technique in which computer applications temporarily store data in a computer's main memory (i.e., random access memory, or RAM) to enable fast retrievals of that data. The RAM that is used for the temporary storage is known as the cache.

What is an outofmemoryexception?

You are working with very large sets of data (such as arrays, collections, or database data sets) in memory. When data structures or data sets that reside in memory become so large that the common language runtime is unable to allocate enough contiguous memory for them, an OutOfMemoryException exception results.

What is the cache item policy of the memory cache?

The first parameter is the key of the cache entry. The second parameter is the value of the cache entry. The third parameter is the cache item policy of the cache entry. Here is an example of how to add data in the memory cache.

How does the @memorycache function work?

MemoryCache has a background thread that periodically estimates how much memory the process is using and how many keys are in the cache. When it thinks you are getting close to the cachememorylimit, it will Trim the cache.

How to set data in the memory cache?

Here is an example of how to set data in the memory cache. The first parameter is the key of the cache entry. The second parameter is the value of the cache entry. The third parameter is the cache item policy of the cache entry. The first parameter is the key of the cache entry. The second parameter is the value of the cache entry.

1 Answers

MemoryCache has a background thread that periodically estimates how much memory the process is using and how many keys are in the cache. When it thinks you are getting close to the cachememorylimit, it will Trim the cache. Each time this background thread runs, it checks to see how close you are to the limits, and it will increase the polling frequency under memory pressure.

If you add items very quickly, the background thread doesn't have a chance to run, and you can run out of memory before the cache can trim and GC can run (in a x64 process this can result in massive heap size and multi minute GC pauses). The trim process/memory estimation is also known to have bugs under some conditions.

If your program is prone to out of memory due to rapidly loading an excessive number of objects, something with a bounded size like an LRU cache is a much better strategy. LRU typically uses a policy based on item count to evict the least recently used items.

I wrote a thread safe implementation of TLRU (a time aware least recently used policy), that you can easily use as a drop in replacement for ConcurrentDictionary.

It's available on Github here: https://github.com/bitfaster/BitFaster.Caching

Install-Package BitFaster.Caching

Using it would look like something this for your program, and it will not run out of memory (depending on how big your files are):

 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int capacity = 80;
        TimeSpan timeToLive = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
        var lru = new ConcurrentTLru<int, byte[]>(capacity, timeToLive);

        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            var value = lru.GetOrAdd(1, (k) => System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("File.txt"));


If you really want to avoid running out of memory, you should also consider reading the files into a RecyclableMemoryStream, and using the Scoped class in BitFaster to make the cached values thread safe and avoid races on dispose.

like image 57
Alex Peck Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 01:10

Alex Peck