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Device Status in Windows Phone 8.1

Are there any classes in Windows RunTime APIs to find the current device information(OS info, RAM size, power source) ?

The equivalent class in Windows Phone 8 is Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceStatus (http://bit.ly/deviceStatus)

Any Help?

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MohanRajNK Avatar asked Apr 28 '14 14:04


1 Answers

According to my knowledge and what I've searched currently there is no method that will tell you that. Similar problem according to WinRT was raised here.

As I've also searched looking at MSDN, there is also no alternative to System.Power.

You can check the battery status thought, but that won't help you to check if it is powered or not.

I'm also curious how this will be solved, hence IMO there should be such an ability when developing for phone to check if it's powered. Under WP8.0 for example BackgroundTransfers for large files required external power supply, and no I'm not able to check it - maybe it will be solved in final release.

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Romasz Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 11:11
