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"Memory Graph Debugger: no serialized memory graph received from LeakAgent" error when using Xcode Memory Graph Debugger

I'm using Xcode 10.2.1 and macOS Catalina Developer Beta 2. Whenever I try to use the Memory Graph debugger, I get this error:

Memory Graph Debugger: no serialized memory graph received from LeakAgent

Memory Graph Debugger alert

After that, the loading spinner spins indefinitely.

"Building Memory Graph" loading screen

I've tried the answers recommended under this related question, but unfortunately, none of them worked. I tried to reinstall the app; restart Xcode, the iOS Simulator and my computer; deleted the DerivedData folder, and tried different simulators - none of these worked.

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Tamás Sengel Avatar asked Jun 21 '19 23:06

Tamás Sengel

Video Answer

3 Answers

I've observed the same error when did try to start memory graph using Xcode 11.2.1 (macOS Catalina 10.15.1) and iOS 12.2 Simulator.

Starting memory graph debugger with latest simulators (iOS 13.2.2) works fine.

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Ilia Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


You should use a physical device rather than a simulator to avoid this error.

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Tamás Sengel Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Tamás Sengel

Faced the same issue recently after updating to Xcode 12.5 while being on macOS 11.2.3

The release notes for Xcode 12.5 mention:

In macOS 11.2 or earlier, leaks and other command line analysis tools fail or crash when run against processes built with Mac Catalyst and processes running in iOS 14.5 or later on simulated devices. (74690398)

Updating to macOS 11.3 helped resolve this issue with the leakagent.

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asifmohd Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10
