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Update frames button gone in Xcode 8.1




After updating to 8.1 (8B62) there is no longer a button for updating frames in a storyboard/xib, in the Resolve Auto Layout Issues shortcut in the bottom right corner of the Interface Builder. I heard talk about putting such a button on the new and fancy touch bar, but what does this mean to a mere mortal like myself? Do I have to start using the menu bar?

Now: enter image description here


enter image description here

like image 201
Daniel Larsson Avatar asked Oct 31 '16 23:10

Daniel Larsson

People also ask

How do I update frames in Xcode?

You can use the keyboard shortcut: Cmd + Opt + = You can also look for "Update Frames", by going to the toolbar and selecting Editor -> Resolve Auto Layout Issues -> Update Frames .

1 Answers

Update frames is a separate option now and not inside the drop down. I am on Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62) and I can see the below button:

enter image description here

It is enabled only if the control is misplaced

like image 55
Bhavik Bhagat Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10

Bhavik Bhagat