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md-select can't set selected value

I have a md-select set up as follows:

<md-select placeholder="Category" ng-model="current.Category" flex >
    <md-option ng-repeat="item in categories" ng-value="{{item}}">{{item.Name}}</md-option>

@scope.categories value is

  "Name":"Commercial & Industrial",
        "Name":"Deceptive Marketing",

        "Name":"Aggressive Agents",

  "ModifiedDate":"08/06/2015 @ 7:49AM",
  "CreatedDate":"08/06/2015 @ 3:49PM"
  "Name":"Competitive Supply",
        "Name":"Security Deposit",



  "ModifiedDate":"08/06/2015 @ 7:49AM",
  "CreatedDate":"08/06/2015 @ 3:49PM"

The md-select works fine. But what I can't figure out is how to set select value. When I try setting the model current.Category to one of the values from the $scope.categories it doesn't get set.

like image 482
americanslon Avatar asked Aug 07 '15 15:08


2 Answers

The documentation isn't explicit, but you should use ng-selected. I've created a codepen to illustrate, but basically:

<md-option ng-repeat="(index,item) in categories" ng-value="{{item}}"
           ng-selected="index == 1">    

This'll select the the second category (index 1 in your category array).

like image 125
Huey Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 14:10


You need to use ng-model-options, trackBy and choose a unique model field as a selector:

<md-select placeholder="Category" 
    ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$value.Id' }" // <-- unique field 'Id'
    flex >
     ng-repeat="item in categories" 

This solution is described in Angular Material's official documentation.

like image 18
masitko Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 12:10
