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Maven: Trying to Deploy with credentials in settings.xml file

This seemed to be working last week and now it doesn't.

  • We use Artifactory as our Maven repository.
  • I am deploying a jar and pom using the deploy:deploy-file goal
  • Our Artifactory repository requires authentication to deploy.

I can deploy to the repository by embedding my credentials in the server URL on the command line:

 $ mvn deploy:deploy-file \      -Durl=http://deployer:[email protected]/artifactory/ext-release-local \      -Dfile=crypto.jar \      -DpomFile=pom.xml \      -Did=VeggieCorp   yadda...yadda...yadda...   [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------   [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS   [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------   [INFO] Total time: 0.962s   [INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 20 10:06:04 CDT 2012   [INFO] Final Memory: 4M/118M   [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

However, that whole deployment gets logged and my credentials would be visible in the log. Therefore, I want to be able to deploy without my credentials on the command line. To do that, I have a $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file:

<settings>     <proxies>         <proxy>             <active>true</active>             <protocol>http</protocol>             <host>proxy.veggiecorp.com</host>             <port>3128</port>             <nonProxyHosts>*.veggiecorp.com</nonProxyHosts>         </proxy>     </proxies>     <servers>         <server>             <id>VeggieCorp</id>             <username>deployer</username>             <password>swordfish</password>         </server>     </servers>     <profiles>         <profile>             <id>VeggieCorp</id>             <activation>                  <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>             </activation>             <repositories>                 <repository>                     <id>VeggieCorp</id>                     <name>VeggieCorp's Maven Repository</name>                     <releases>                         <enabled>true</enabled>                         <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>                         <checksumPolicy>warn</checksumPolicy>                     </releases>                     <snapshots>                         <enabled>false</enabled>                         <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>                         <checksumPolicy>warn</checksumPolicy>                     </snapshots>                     <url>http://repo.veggiecorp.com/artifactory/ext-release-local</url>                     <layout>default</layout>                 </repository>             </repositories>         </profile>     </profiles>     <activeProfiles>         <activeProfile>VeggieCorp</activeProfile>     </activeProfiles> </settings> 

Now, I'll try deploying again, but without putting the user name and password in the URL:

 $ mvn deploy:deploy-file \      -Durl=http://repo.veggiecorp.com/artifactory/ext-release-local \      -Dfile=crypto.jar \      -DpomFile=pom.xml \      -Did=VeggieCorp yadda...yadda...yadda [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.751s [INFO] Finished at: Mon Aug 20 10:17:15 CDT 2012 [INFO] Final Memory: 4M/119M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-  file (default-cli) on project crypto:  Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact       com.veggiecorp:crypto:jar:2.0.0 from/to remote-repository      (http://mvn.veggiecorp.com/artifactory/ext-release-local):     Failed to transfer file:     http://mvn.veggiecorp.com/artifactory/ext-release-local/com/veggiecorp/crypto/2.0.0/crypto-2.0.0.jar.     Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized. -> [Help 1] 

(I've reformatted the output to make it easier to see. I'm getting a 401 "Unauthorized" error)

So, what am I doing wrong? Why can't I use my .settings.xml file to do my credentials? The proxy part does work because it can download the needed plugins from the main Maven repository.

like image 762
David W. Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 15:08

David W.

People also ask

What are the settings you need to do before running mvn deploy?

Using the maven-deploy-plugin We need to specify the version and plugin in the <pluginManagement> tag of the pom. xml file to define the version of the plugin in parent pom and specify the version and plugin in the plugins section of the pom file to use the goals of the plugin by your project or your parent project.

Where does Maven settings xml file go?

The Maven settings file, settings. xml , is usually kept in the . m2 directory inside your home directory.

Where are Maven credentials stored?

When you run a Maven build that needs to interact with the repository manager, Maven will retrieve the Master password from the ~/. m2/settings-security. xml file and use this master password to decrypt the password stored in your ~/. m2/settings.

1 Answers

You need to provide the repositoryId=VeggieCorp (not id) property so that maven knows from which <server> configuration it has to read the credentials.

$ mvn deploy:deploy-file \  -Durl=http://repo.veggiecorp.com/artifactory/ext-release-local \  -Dfile=crypto.jar \  -DpomFile=pom.xml \  -DrepositoryId=VeggieCorp 

See http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/deploy-file-mojo.html

like image 191
Stefan Ferstl Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09

Stefan Ferstl