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Maven: If sentences in pom.xml in the property tag

I'd like to set a property if an environment variable is set. I googled a lot on it and all I found is something similar to the code below, but I keep getting the error:

[FATAL] Non-parseable POM Y:\Maven\parent-pom\pom.xml: TEXT must be immediately followed by END_TAG and not START_TAG (position: START_TAG s een ...roperties"\r\n
classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />... @29:55) @ line 29, column 55

That's the code I'm trying, its inside a pom.xml and I ran the command -

mvn --errors deploy

Of course, I'll be happy to get any other solution, if you have other suggestion on how to set a property in pom.xml depending on an environment variable content.

Thanks, Eli


        <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"
          classpathref="maven.plugin.classpath" />

             <equals arg1="${env.WAS60_HOME}" arg2=""\>

             <equals arg1="${env.WAS85_HOME}" arg2=""\>
like image 549
Elyahu Avatar asked Aug 05 '13 07:08


1 Answers

A much better approach would be to use profile activations.



My preferred way to use profiles is to have a default set of properties in my POM and then override these on demand using profiles in my settings file.

This approach is easy to do explicitly by using the "-s" and "-P" commandline parameters:

mvn -s $PROJECT_SETTINGS -P myProfile ....

This approach is easy to maintain in Jenkins using Config File Provider plugin which enables a GUI for editing the various settings files I use for each project.

Update 2:

Here's an example of how I setup my builds. The POM contains a section with the default property values. And I setup one or more pfiles to over-ride these values:


          <my.property1>dia dhuit</my.property1>
          <my.property2>an domhain</my.property2>

So in this example the build defaults to English. To run the build with the settings in Spanish

mvn -P build_in_spanish ...


  • Profiles can be in the POM or in a separated settings file. The latter approach gives the most flexibility.
  • Profiles can be explicitly enabled (using the "-P" command line option or by attempting to discover the environment it sits within. This is a design choice)
like image 143
Mark O'Connor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Mark O'Connor