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Parse malformed XML

I'm trying to load a piece of (possibly) malformed HTML into an XMLDocument object, but it fails with XMLExceptions... since there are extra opening/closing tags, and malformed XML tags such as <img > instead of <img />

How do I get the XML to parse with all the errors in the data? Is there any XML validator that I can apply before parsing, to correct these errors? Or would handling the exception parse whatever can be parsed?

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Robin Rodricks Avatar asked Jun 15 '09 14:06

Robin Rodricks

2 Answers

The HTML Agility Pack will parse html, rather than xhtml, and is quite forgiving. The object model will be familiar if you've used XmlDocument.

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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 11:09

Marc Gravell

You might want to check out the answer to this question.

Basically somewhere between a .NET port of beautifulsoup and the HTML agility pack there is a way.

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annakata Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09
