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Matrix Multiplication: Multiply each row of matrix by another 2D matrix in Python

I am trying to remove the loop from this matrix multiplication (and learn more about optimizing code in general), and I think I need some form of np.broadcasting or np.einsum, but after reading up on them, I'm still not sure how to use them for my problem.

A = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
         [6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
#A is a 3x5 matrix, such that the shape of A is (3, 5) (and A[0] is (5,))

B = np.array([[1,0,0],
#B is a 3x3 (diagonal) matrix, with a shape of (3, 3)

C = np.zeros(5)
for i in range(5):
    C[i] = np.linalg.multi_dot([A[:,i].T, B, A[:,i]])

#Each row of matrix math is [1x3]*[3x3]*[3x1] to become a scaler value in each row
#C becomes a [5x1] matrix with a shape of (5,)

I know I can't just do np.multidot by itself, because that results in a (5,5) array.

I also found this: Multiply matrix by each row of another matrix in Numpy, but I can't tell if it's actually the same problem as mine.

like image 264
LED Avatar asked Dec 07 '18 20:12


People also ask

How do you multiply a 2d matrix in Python?

Step1: input two matrix. Step 2: nested for loops to iterate through each row and each column. Step 3: take one resultant matrix which is initially contains all 0. Then we multiply each row elements of first matrix with each elements of second matrix, then add all multiplied value.

Can you multiply two rows together in a matrix?

You can only multiply two matrices if their dimensions are compatible , which means the number of columns in the first matrix is the same as the number of rows in the second matrix.

How do you multiply different matrices in Python?

To multiply two matrices use the dot() function of NumPy. It takes only 2 arguments and returns the product of two matrices.

How do you multiply two matrix elements wise in Python?

multiply() technique will be used to do the element-wise multiplication of matrices in Python. The NumPy library's np. multiply(x1, x2) method receives two matrices as input and executes element-wise multiplication over them before returning the resultant matrix. We must send the two matrices as input to the np.

2 Answers

In [601]: C
Out[601]: array([436., 534., 644., 766., 900.])

This is a natural for einsum. I use i as you do, to denote the index that carries through to the result. j and k are indices that are used in the sum of products.

In [602]: np.einsum('ji,jk,ki->i',A,B,A)
Out[602]: array([436, 534, 644, 766, 900])

It probably can also be done with mutmul, though it may require adding a dimension and latter squeezing.

dot approaches that use diag do a lot more work than necessary. The diag throws out a lot of values.

To use matmul we have to make the i dimension the first of 3d arrays. That's the 'passive' one carries over to the result:

In [603]: A.T[:,None,:]@[email protected][:,:,None]
array([[[436]],     # (5,1,1) result




In [604]: (A.T[:,None,:]@[email protected][:,:,None]).squeeze()
Out[604]: array([436, 534, 644, 766, 900])

Or index the extra dimensions away: (A.T[:,None,:]@[email protected][:,:,None])[:,0,0]

like image 115
hpaulj Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09


You can chain to calls to dot together, then get the diagonal:

# your original output:
# >>> C
# array([436., 534., 644., 766., 900.])

>>> np.diag(np.dot(np.dot(A.T,B), A))
array([436, 534, 644, 766, 900])

Or equivalently, use your original multi_dot train of thought, but take the diagonal of the resulting 5x5 array. This may have some performance boosts (according to the docs)

>>> np.diag(np.linalg.multi_dot([A.T, B, A]))
array([436, 534, 644, 766, 900])
like image 26
sacuL Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
