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Upload File to Google-drive Teamdrive folder with PyDrive

I have been successfully uploading files to a google-drive-folder with PyDrive. But, when it comes to uploading files to a folder in a google-drive-teamdrive-folder which is shared with me, the following code is not working.

from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
from pydrive.drive import GoogleDrive

gauth = GoogleAuth()
drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)

location_to_save = "D:\images"
mImageLoc =  location_to_save + "\\abcd.jpg"

#[...Code to fetch and save the file as abcd.jpg ...]

gfolder_id = "1H1gjBKcpiHJtnXKVxWQEC1CS8t4Gswjj"  #This is a google drive folder id. I am replacing this with a teamdrive folder id, but that does not work
gfile_title = mImageLoc.split("\\")[-1] # returns abcd.jpg

http = gdrive.auth.Get_Http_Object()
f = gdrive.CreateFile({"parents": [{"kind": "drive#fileLink", "id": gfolder_id}],
                                   'title': gfile_title})
            f.Upload(param={"http": http})

The error message I am recieving is: pydrive.files.ApiRequestError: <HttpError 404 when requesting https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v2/files?alt=json&uploadType=resumable returned "File not found: 0AG-N4DqGC1nbUk9PVA"> '0AG-N4DqGC1nbUk9PVA' is the teamdrive's folder id here.

I have been searching for means to upload files to Teamdrives with PyDrive but in vain. I see in the pydrive's github pages that they added the teamdrives support approx 8 month ago. But I cannot find any documentation on how to use that. Can anyone suggest where I am being wrong please?

like image 409
Raad A. Avatar asked Nov 12 '18 18:11

Raad A.

People also ask

Can I upload a folder with subfolders to Google Drive?

If you're using the latest version of Chrome, you can drag a folder from your desktop into Google Drive. The folder, all sub-folders, and files will begin uploading immediately.

Can you have a folder auto upload to Google Drive?

Google offers Backup and Sync, an application you can install on your computer in order to back up any folder on your computer over to Google Drive automatically. Simply install Backup and Sync and you can add any folder on your computer to automatically upload all files to Google Drive.

1 Answers

For uploading, try making a file called "settings.yaml" and saving it in your working directory, as per the instructions here: https://pythonhosted.org/PyDrive/oauth.html

You will need the client id and client secret found in the client_secrets.json file which should also be in your directory after you authorised access to the Google API.

Test it out with the following code to make a text file in a folder in the team drive:

parent_folder_id = 'YYYY'

f = drive.CreateFile({
    'title': 'test.txt',
    'parents': [{
        'kind': 'drive#fileLink',
        'teamDriveId': team_drive_id,
        'id': parent_folder_id
f.SetContentString('Hello World')

f.Upload(param={'supportsTeamDrives': True})

# where XXXX and YYYY are the team drive and target folder ids found from the end of the URLS when you open them in your browser.
like image 178
David Lloyd Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09

David Lloyd