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matplotlib surface plot hides scatter points which should be in front

Yet another question about matplotlib 3d surfaces... I have code which adds a scatter point to a matplotlib surface graph.

from above The problem that I have is that the point always appears behind the surface, regardless of which angle you view it from. from below

If I cobble an (admittedly ugly) version using 3 short lines to mark the same point, it is visible. enter image description here

I have turned off the depthshade function, so it isn't this. Can anybody explain what is going on and how I can correct it? Here is a simplified version of the code:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({10: {10: 1,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   15: {10: 4,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   20: {10: 6,15: 3,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   25: {10: 7,15: 5,20: 3,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   30: {10: 9,15: 6,20: 4,25: 3,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   35: {10: 10,15: 7,20: 5,25: 4,30: 2,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   40: {10: 11,15: 8,20: 6,25: 4,30: 3,35: 2,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   45: {10: 12,15: 9,20: 7,25: 5,30: 4,35: 3,40: 2,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   50: {10: 13,15: 9,20: 7,25: 6,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 2,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   55: {10: 14,15: 10,20: 8,25: 7,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 3,50: 2,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   60: {10: 15,15: 11,20: 9,25: 7,30: 6,35: 5,40: 4,45: 3,50: 3,55: 2,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   65: {10: 16,15: 12,20: 9,25: 8,30: 6,35: 5,40: 5,45: 4,50: 3,55: 2,60: 2,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   70: {10: 17,15: 12,20: 10,25: 8,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 4,50: 4,55: 3,60: 2,65: 2,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   75: {10: 18,15: 13,20: 10,25: 9,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 5,50: 4,55: 3,60: 3,65: 2,70: 2,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   80: {10: 19,15: 14,20: 11,25: 9,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 5,50: 4,55: 4,60: 3,65: 3,70: 2,75: 2,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   85: {10: 21,15: 14,20: 11,25: 10,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 6,50: 5,55: 4,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 2,80: 2,85: 1,90: 1},
                   90: {10: 23,15: 15,20: 12,25: 10,30: 9,35: 8,40: 7,45: 6,50: 5,55: 5,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 3,80: 2,85: 2,90: 1}})

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(df.index, df.columns)
ma = np.nanmax(df.values)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = ma, clip = True)

fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = Axes3D(fig)
surf = ax.plot_surface(yv,xv,df, cmap='viridis_r', linewidth=0.3,
                       alpha = 0.8, edgecolor = 'k', norm=norm)
ax.scatter(25,35,4, c='k', depthshade=False, alpha = 1, s=100)

fig = plt.figure(2)
ax = Axes3D(fig)
surf = ax.plot_surface(yv,xv,df, cmap='viridis_r', linewidth=0.3,
                       alpha = 0.8, edgecolor = 'k', norm=norm)
line1_x = [25,25]
line1_y = [35,35]
line1_z = [3,5]

line2_x = [25,25]
line2_y = [33,37]
line2_z = [4,4]

line3_x = [23,27]
line3_y = [35,35]
line3_z = [4,4]

ax.plot(line1_x, line1_y, line1_z, alpha = 1, linewidth = 1, color='k')
ax.plot(line2_x, line2_y, line2_z, alpha = 1, linewidth = 1, color='k')
ax.plot(line3_x, line3_y, line3_z, alpha = 1, linewidth = 1, color='k')
like image 301
Will Avatar asked Jul 09 '18 08:07


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2 Answers

A useful workaround is to use the option computed_zorder=False (added in Feb 2021, see doc), and to plot the different elements in the desired order. The only caveat is that it requires knowing which points are below the surface, and which points are above.

Et Voilà !

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({10: {10: 1,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   15: {10: 4,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   20: {10: 6,15: 3,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   25: {10: 7,15: 5,20: 3,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   30: {10: 9,15: 6,20: 4,25: 3,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   35: {10: 10,15: 7,20: 5,25: 4,30: 2,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   40: {10: 11,15: 8,20: 6,25: 4,30: 3,35: 2,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   45: {10: 12,15: 9,20: 7,25: 5,30: 4,35: 3,40: 2,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   50: {10: 13,15: 9,20: 7,25: 6,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 2,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   55: {10: 14,15: 10,20: 8,25: 7,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 3,50: 2,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   60: {10: 15,15: 11,20: 9,25: 7,30: 6,35: 5,40: 4,45: 3,50: 3,55: 2,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   65: {10: 16,15: 12,20: 9,25: 8,30: 6,35: 5,40: 5,45: 4,50: 3,55: 2,60: 2,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   70: {10: 17,15: 12,20: 10,25: 8,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 4,50: 4,55: 3,60: 2,65: 2,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   75: {10: 18,15: 13,20: 10,25: 9,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 5,50: 4,55: 3,60: 3,65: 2,70: 2,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   80: {10: 19,15: 14,20: 11,25: 9,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 5,50: 4,55: 4,60: 3,65: 3,70: 2,75: 2,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   85: {10: 21,15: 14,20: 11,25: 10,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 6,50: 5,55: 4,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 2,80: 2,85: 1,90: 1},
                   90: {10: 23,15: 15,20: 12,25: 10,30: 9,35: 8,40: 7,45: 6,50: 5,55: 5,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 3,80: 2,85: 2,90: 1}})

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(df.index, df.columns)
ma = np.nanmax(df.values)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = ma, clip = True)

fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = Axes3D(fig, computed_zorder=False)

ax.scatter(10,70,4, c='k', depthshade=False, alpha = 1, s=100)
surf = ax.plot_surface(yv,xv,df, cmap='viridis_r', linewidth=0.3,
                       alpha = 0.8, edgecolor = 'k', norm=norm)
ax.scatter(25,35,4, c='k', depthshade=False, alpha = 1, s=100)

like image 154
TomDLT Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 06:11


Run into this problem in 2020 and do not want to switch to another package. This solution is a modification of Will's answer above. Basically draw the circle in three axis to make it more like a dot. Also use ellipse to adjust for axis ratios. Works better if you set the radius smaller and choose a face color:

enter image description here

   def add_point(ax, x, y, z, fc = None, ec = None, radius = 0.005):
       xy_len, z_len = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches()
       axis_length = [x[1] - x[0] for x in [ax.get_xbound(), ax.get_ybound(), ax.get_zbound()]]
       axis_rotation =  {'z': ((x, y, z), axis_length[1]/axis_length[0]),
                         'y': ((x, z, y), axis_length[2]/axis_length[0]*xy_len/z_len),
                         'x': ((y, z, x), axis_length[2]/axis_length[1]*xy_len/z_len)}
       for a, ((x0, y0, z0), ratio) in axis_rotation.items():
           p = Ellipse((x0, y0), width = radius, height = radius*ratio, fc=fc, ec=ec)
           art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z=z0, zdir=a)

where radius is the radius of the "circle", fc is the face color, ec is the edge color.

The modified code:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D, art3d
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({10: {10: 1,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   15: {10: 4,15: 1,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   20: {10: 6,15: 3,20: 1,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   25: {10: 7,15: 5,20: 3,25: 1,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   30: {10: 9,15: 6,20: 4,25: 3,30: 1,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   35: {10: 10,15: 7,20: 5,25: 4,30: 2,35: 1,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   40: {10: 11,15: 8,20: 6,25: 4,30: 3,35: 2,40: 1,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   45: {10: 12,15: 9,20: 7,25: 5,30: 4,35: 3,40: 2,45: 1,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   50: {10: 13,15: 9,20: 7,25: 6,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 2,50: 1,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   55: {10: 14,15: 10,20: 8,25: 7,30: 5,35: 4,40: 3,45: 3,50: 2,55: 1,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   60: {10: 15,15: 11,20: 9,25: 7,30: 6,35: 5,40: 4,45: 3,50: 3,55: 2,60: 1,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   65: {10: 16,15: 12,20: 9,25: 8,30: 6,35: 5,40: 5,45: 4,50: 3,55: 2,60: 2,65: 1,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   70: {10: 17,15: 12,20: 10,25: 8,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 4,50: 4,55: 3,60: 2,65: 2,70: 1,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   75: {10: 18,15: 13,20: 10,25: 9,30: 7,35: 6,40: 5,45: 5,50: 4,55: 3,60: 3,65: 2,70: 2,75: 1,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   80: {10: 19,15: 14,20: 11,25: 9,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 5,50: 4,55: 4,60: 3,65: 3,70: 2,75: 2,80: 1,85: 1,90: 1},
                   85: {10: 21,15: 14,20: 11,25: 10,30: 8,35: 7,40: 6,45: 6,50: 5,55: 4,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 2,80: 2,85: 1,90: 1},
                   90: {10: 23,15: 15,20: 12,25: 10,30: 9,35: 8,40: 7,45: 6,50: 5,55: 5,60: 4,65: 3,70: 3,75: 3,80: 2,85: 2,90: 1}})

xv, yv = np.meshgrid(df.index, df.columns)
ma = np.nanmax(df.values)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = ma, clip = True)

fig = plt.figure(1)
ax = Axes3D(fig)
surf = ax.plot_surface(yv,xv,df, cmap='viridis_r', linewidth=0.3,
                       alpha = 0.8, edgecolor = 'k', norm=norm)

add_point(ax, 25, 35, 0, radius=1)
add_point(ax, 25, 35, 2, radius=2)
add_point(ax, 25, 35, 4, radius=3)

like image 32
Z Li Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11

Z Li