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MATLAB: Interpolating to find the x value of the intersection between a line and a curve

Here is the graph I currently have :

The Dotted Blue line represented the y value that corresponds to the x value I am looking for. I am trying to find the x values of the line's intersections with the blue curve(Upper)

The Dotted Blue line represented the y value that corresponds to the x value I am looking for. I am trying to find the x values of the line's intersections with the blue curve(Upper).Since the interesections do not fall on a point that has already been defined, we need to interpolate a point that falls onto the Upper plot.

Here is the information I have:

LineValue - The y value of the intersection and the value of the dotted line( y = LineValue) Frequency - an array containing the x value coordinates seen on this plot. The interpolated values of Frequency that corresponds to LineValue are what we are looking for Upper/Lower - arrays containing the y value info for this graph

like image 446
Alex Nichols Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 16:12

Alex Nichols

1 Answers

This solution is an improvement on Amro's answer. Instead of using fzero you can simply calculate the intersection of the line by looking for transition in the first-difference of the series created by a logical comparison to LineValue. So, using Amro's sample data:

>> x = linspace(-100,100,100);
>> y =  1-2.*exp(-0.5*x.^2./20)./(2*pi) + randn(size(x))*0.002;
>> LineValue = 0.8;

Find the starting indices of those segments of consecutive points that exceed LineValue:

>> idx = find(diff(y >= LineValue))

idx =

    48    52

You can then calculate the x positions of the intersection points using weighted averages (i.e. linear interpolation):

>> x2 = x(idx) + (LineValue - y(idx)) .* (x(idx+1) - x(idx)) ./ (y(idx+1) - y(idx))

x2 =

         -4.24568579887939          4.28720287203057

Plot these up to verify the results:

>> figure;
>> plot(x, y, 'b.-', x2, LineValue, 'go', [x(1) x(end)], LineValue*[1 1], 'k:');

enter image description here

The advantages of this approach are:

  • The determination of the intersection points is vectorized so will work regardless of the number of intersection points.
  • Determining the intersection points arithmetically is presumably faster than using fzero.
like image 117
b3. Avatar answered May 05 '23 19:05
