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is any of array items contained in a string

I have a keywords list and a blacklist. I want to delete all keywords that contain any of blacklist item. At the moment Im doing it this way:

my @keywords = ( 'some good keyword', 'some other good keyword', 'some bad keyword');
my @blacklist = ( 'bad' );

A: for my $keyword ( @keywords ) {
    B: for my $bl ( @blacklist ) {
        next A if $keyword =~ /$bl/i;      # omitting $keyword
    # some keyword cleaning (for instance: erasing non a-zA-Z0-9 characters, etc)

I was wondering is there any fastest way to do this, becouse at the moment I have about 25 milion keywords and couple of hundrets words in blacklist.

like image 340
gib Avatar asked Mar 24 '23 20:03


1 Answers

The most straightforward option is to join the blacklist entries into a single regular expression, then grep the keyword list for those which don't match that regex:

#!/usr/bin/env perl    

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

my @keywords = 
  ('some good keyword', 'some other good keyword', 'some bad keyword');
my @blacklist = ('bad');

my $re = join '|', @blacklist;
my @good = grep { $_ !~ /$re/ } @keywords;

say join "\n", @good;


some good keyword
some other good keyword
like image 167
Dave Sherohman Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 06:04

Dave Sherohman