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Math opposite sign function? [closed]




Does such function exist? I created my own but would like to use an official one:

private function opposite(number:Number):Number {     if (number < 0)     {         number = Math.abs(number);     }     else     {         number = -(number);     }     return number; } 

So, -5 becomes 5 and 3 becomes -3.

Edit: Forgive me for being stupid. I'm human. :)

like image 869
Tom Avatar asked Jun 29 '09 17:06


People also ask

What does opposite signs mean in math?

A number with opposite signs is equidistant from 0 on the number line in opposite directions. The opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself.

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The opposite of 5 is -5.

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sign() in Python. numpy. sign(array [, out]) function is used to indicate the sign of a number element-wise. For integer inputs, if array value is greater than 0 it returns 1, if array value is less than 0 it returns -1, and if array value 0 it returns 0.

1 Answers

yes it does...

return num*-1; 

or simply

return -num; 
like image 65
John T Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11

John T