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Matching patterns between multiple columns

I have two columns say Main and Sub. (they can be of same table or not).

Main is varchar of length 20 and Sub is varchar of length 8.
Sub is always subset of Main and it is last 8 characters of Main.

I could successfully design a query to match pattern using substr("Main",13,8)


select * from "MainTable"
 where substr("MainColumn",13,8) LIKE (
   select "SubColumn" From "SubTable" Where "SubId"=1043);

but I want to use Like, % , _ etc in my query so that I can loosely match the pattern (that is not all 8 characters).

Question is how can i do that.?!

I know that the query below is COMPLETELY WRONG but I want to achieve something like this,

Select * from "MainTable"
 Where "MainColumn" Like '%' Select "SubColumn" From "SubTable" Where "SubId"=2'
like image 536
Anuj Patel Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 19:12

Anuj Patel

2 Answers

The answers so far fail to address your question:

but I want use Like, % , _ etc in my query so that I can loosely match the pattern (that is not all 8 characters).

It makes hardly any difference whether you use LIKE or = as long as you match the whole string (and there are no wildcard character in your string). To make the search fuzzy, you need to replace part of the pattern, not just add to it.

For instance, to match on the last 7 (instead of 8) characters of subcolumn:

FROM   maintable m
WHERE  left(maincolumn, 8) LIKE 
       ( '%' || left((SELECT subcolumn FROM subtable WHERE subid = 2), 7));

I use the simpler left() (introduced with Postgres 9.1).
You could simplify this to:

FROM   maintable m
WHERE  left(maincolumn, 7) =
       (SELECT left(subcolumn,7) FROM subtable WHERE subid = 2);

But you wouldn't if you use the special index I mention further down, because expressions in functional indexes have to matched precisely to be of use.

You may be interested in the extension pg_tgrm.

In PostgreSQL 9.1 run once per database:


Two reasons:

  • It supplies the similarity operator %. With it you can build a smart similarity search:

    --SELECT show_limit();
    SELECT set_limit(0.5); -- adjust similarity limit for % operator
    SELECT *
    FROM maintable m
    WHERE left(maincolumn, 8) %
          (SELECT subcolumn FROM subtable WHERE subid = 2);
  • It supplies index support for both LIKE and %

    If read performance is more important than write performance, I suggest you create a functional GIN or GiST index like this:

    CREATE INDEX maintable_maincol_tgrm_idx ON maintable
    USING gist (left(maincolumn, 8) gist_trgm_ops);

    This index supports either query. Be aware that it comes with some cost for write operations.
    A quick benchmark for a similar case in this related answer.

like image 115
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 22:12

Erwin Brandstetter


SELECT t1.* from "Main Table" AS t1, "SubTable" AS t2
 WHERE t2.SubId=1043
   AND substr(t1.MainColumn, 13, 8) LIKE "%" || CAST(t2.SubColumn as text);
like image 28
bksi Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 22:12
