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Regex replacement in PostgreSQL

I have a table where a particular string field often includes unicode for single and double quotes inside of it: \u0027 and \u0022 respectively. So it turns out, I actually need them escaped even more. I need to put an extra \ in front of them.

For example, I need to change \u0027Hello, world\u0027 to \\u0027Hello, world\\u0027

What kind of SQL could perform this kind of an update on the table for all records?

like image 551
Dan Burton Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 13:12

Dan Burton

1 Answers

If you really need this, then you can use such RE:

UPDATE table SET c = regexp_replace(c, '[^\\]\\(u\d{4})', '\\\\\1', 'g');

Make sure that standard_conforming_strings is enabled and regex_flavor is set to advanced.

SHOW standard_conforming_strings;
(1 row)

Replacement string '\\\\\1' means two following backslashes \\ and \1 represent first (reporting) parenthesized subexpression (that is, 'u' concatenated with four digits from pattern).

like image 187
Grzegorz Szpetkowski Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 01:01

Grzegorz Szpetkowski