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Google Cloud SQL - Postgresql storage keeps growing

Ive recently started tinkering with Google Cloud SQL - PostgreSQL.

I have created an empty database and over 4-5 days its storage usage has grown to over 20GB. Its just keeps going up, but there is no data in the database. Its not even being used.

Does anyone know what would be doing this and how to stop it?

enter image description here

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Matt Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 17:12


1 Answers

Yes, this is most likely due to Point-in-time recovery which will show an increase to your storage every few minutes. You are able to keep automated backups enabled while disabling point-in-time recovery. Once you disable it the binary logs will be deleted and you will notice an immediate reduction in storage usage. That said, according to the documentation: "The binary logs are automatically deleted with their associated automatic backup, which generally happens after about 7 days."

To disable point-in-time recovery:

  • Select your instance
  • Select Backups
  • Under Settings select Edit
  • Uncheck box for point-in-time recovery
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user3527360 Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 18:01
