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Markdown `native` text alignment



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How do I align text in markdown?

To center images, text, and anything else in Github markdown and READMEs simply wrap the element in an HTML tag with the align attribute set to "center" .

Can you center markdown?

To start with the bad news, there's no Markdown syntax to center text, images, titles, or tables. Luckily, most of the markdown parsers allow HTML to be inserted directly into the markdown document. Using HTML and a little bit of CSS styling, we can center almost anything.

How do I center align in R markdown?

To center an image using the knitr::include_graphics() function, include it within an R code chunk that has the fig. align='center' option (and perhaps other options to control width, etc.). For example: Be sure to include the echo = FALSE chunk option to prevent the chunk source code from being printed.

What is formatting with markdown?

What Is It? Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax aimed at making writing for the internet easier. The philosophy behind Markdown is that plain text documents should be readable without tags mussing everything up, but there should still be ways to add text modifiers like lists, bold, italics, etc.

native markdown doesn't support text alignment without html + css.

In order to center text in md files you can use the center tag like html tag:

<center>Centered text</center>

I known this isn't markdown, but <p align="center"> worked for me, so if anyone figures out the markdown syntax instead I'll be happy to use that. Until then I'll use the HTML tag.

The div element has its own alignment attribute, align.

<div align="center">
  my text here.