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jekyll markdown internal links

People also ask

How do I make a clickable link in Markdown?

Markdown syntax for a hyperlink is square brackets followed by parentheses. The square brackets hold the text, the parentheses hold the link.

How do you link pages on Jekyll?

Like posts, pages can be linked to in multiple ways: Reference the page's full root-relative URL e.g., /about. html . Use Jekyll's {% link %} tag.

Does Jekyll support Markdown?

Jekyll is a static site generator that takes Markdown files and converts them to a website. Jekyll is a free and open-source application written in the Ruby programming language. Thousands of websites, including the Markdown Guide, rely on Jekyll to convert Markdown source files to HTML output.

You can now post internal links by using the following:

[Some Link]({% post_url 2010-07-21-name-of-post %})

This is also referenced in the Jekyll Documentation.


It is now possible to link to pages other than posts using the link tag. link works for posts, pages, documents in a collection, and files.

{{ site.baseurl }}{% link _collection/name-of-document.md %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2016-07-26-name-of-post.md %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link news/index.html %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/files/doc.pdf %}

Remember to include the file extension when using the link tag. To use it to create a link:

[Link to a document]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _collection/name-of-document.md %})
[Link to a post]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/2016-07-26-name-of-post.md %})
[Link to a page]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link news/index.html %})
[Link to a file]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/files/doc.pdf %})

See Jekyll Documentation.

For pages, they decided not to add a page_url tag because you'd have to know the path of the page anyway. So you just have to link to it manually:

[My page](/path/to/page.html)

Or you can do something big and ugly like this if you want to programatically get the title of the page:

{% for page in site.pages %}
  {% if page.url == '/path/to/page.html' %}
[{{ page.title }}]({{ page.url }})
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

If the internal content is on the same page then it is possible to link to it using the auto_ids feature. You enable this in _config.yml:

    auto_ids: true

With this enabled each heading gets an id ref based on the heading text. For example

### My Funky Heading

will become

<h3 id="my-funky-heading">My Funky Heading</h3>

You can link to this from within the same document by doing something like this:

The funky text is [described below](#my-funky-heading)

You can assign an explicit id if you prefer:

### My Funky Heading
{: #funky }

and link to it

The funky text is [described below](#funky)

There are multiple ways of linking in Jekyll, some of which are now outdated.

With link tags

The recommended way to link to internal files is

[Link]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link path/to/file.md %})

Note that this will cause an error if the file moves or gets deleted.

With permalinks

To link to a page without causing errors (broken links instead):

[Link]({{ '/path/to/page/' | relative_url }})

Note that here you need to know the permalink of the page and pass it through the relative_url filter to ensure that it is prefixed with the base url of the site.

The permalink of a page depends on the permalink setting in your config file and the permalink key in the front matter of the file.

With jekyll-relative-links

If you want to use relative paths (and want the links to work in GitHub's markdown view), you should use jekyll-relative-links. This lets you write links like:


[Link to file in parent folder](../file.md)

Imagine this is your project directory:

project directory

To link "index.md" to a file inside folder "blog" called "20190920-post1.md", do the following:

  1. Open the file "index.md".
  2. Add the following:

    [any text](./relative path)

For example:

- [Sept 20th 2019 - Kikucare's Journey](./blog/20190920-post1.md)


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