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markdown, can you insert image inbetween ordered list items?



Can you insert an image in between list items?

  1. first
  2. second

(source: codekeyboards.com)

figure 1 the new keyboard..wonder if it's good

  1. third

The third is preceeded with 3. actually, but shown as 1..
How can I fix it?

like image 328
eugene Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 05:08


People also ask

How do I make nested bullets in markdown?

To nest one list within another, indent each item in the sublist by four spaces. You can also nest other elements like paragraphs, blockquotes or code blocks. You can mix ordered and unordered lists. To nest a paragraph or blockquote, indent by either 4 spaces or one tab.

How do you add sub bullets in readme MD?

You can create bullet points in an unordered list in markdown format using an asterisk “*” at the beginning of the line. Links can be inserted anywhere in the readme.md. The structure is very similar to an image file, but without the exclamation mark at the beginning of the line.

1 Answers

Just indent the image and **figure...** stuff so that Markdown sees it as part of the bullet:

1. first
2. second


 **figure 1** the new keyboard..wonder if it's good

3. third

Or in action:

  1. first
  2. second

    figure 1 the new keyboard..wonder if it's good

  3. third

like image 160
mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

mu is too short