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Map a nested JSON payload to a struct in Elixir




I am attempting to port the Golang tutorial geddit to Elixir. I have done so successfully with Dartlang, but Elixir's operations on maps & lists are confusing for me.

Using HTTPoison and JSEX, I have the following code:

defmodule Redditex do
  use HTTPoison.Base

  def process_url(url) do

  def process_response_body(body) do
    json = JSEX.decode! body
    json = Enum.map json, fn ({k, v}) -> {String.to_atom(k), v } end

My difficulty is parsing the JSON body into an appropriate struct where the JSON contains nested data. Jazz has some allusion to mapping to a structure but not with nested data.

Is there an example or a common practice to decode JSON in Elixir similar to Go's usage:

type Response struct {
Data struct {
    Children []struct {
        Data Item

type Item struct {
   Title    string
   URL      string
   Comments int `json:"num_comments"`  #mapping to another field label
like image 470
Bill Christian Avatar asked Aug 05 '14 15:08

Bill Christian

1 Answers

Using the Poison JSON library I was able to get partly there for handling the nesting:

def handle_response(%{status_code: 200, body: body}) do
    json = Poison.decode!(body, as: %{"data" => %{"children" => [%{"data" => Redditex.Item}]}})
    items = Enum.map( json["data"]["children"], fn (x) -> x["data"] end )

Enumertion is necessary to remove the anonymous structs and the remapping of the field names has not shown as a native solution. A work path forward nonetheless.

like image 118
Bill Christian Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Bill Christian