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Managed Debugging Assistant 'FatalExecutionEngineError' 0xc0000005

Managed Debugging Assistant 'FatalExecutionEngineError' : 'The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x641ad419, on thread 0x5d0c. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.'

This only seems to happen using Asp.Net Core 1.1 and only with entity framework for .net (not EF Core). It also does not happen all of the time, but when it does it's always during an EF call.

I've tried enabling "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" as described here, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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Miniver Cheevy Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 16:11

Miniver Cheevy

1 Answers

I was getting "FatalExecutionEngineError' : 'The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x72d41302, on thread 0x4520. The error code is 0xc0000005" while running a simple hello world application in Visual Studio 2017.

Resolved the issue by using x64 mode for debug.

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RedBottleSanitizer Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
