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Making/finding html5 validator bookmarklet

I want to find or make a bookmarklet that will validate the html content of a currently viewed page using the W3C HTML 5 validator.

I have found two bookmarklets and am trying to get one to behave a bit like one and a bit like the other, however I am not sure how to do this.

Chris Coyier has an HTML5 validation bookmarklet that works well except it uses the page URI so does not work for locally tested sites:


I also found this one, which works by grabbing the html of the current page, but I can't figure out how to make it do html5... there is reference to doctype in the code and I have tried changing this to html5, html500 etc, and removing it entirely hoping it would autodetect.. but to no avail:

javascript:(function(){var h=document;var b=h.doctype;var e="<!DOCTYPE "+b.name.toLowerCase()+' PUBLIC "'+b.publicId+'" "'+b.systemId+'">\n';var g=h.documentElement.outerHTML;var f="http://validator.w3.org/check";var i={prefill_doctype:"html401",prefill:0,doctype:"inline",group:0,ss:1,st:1,outline:1,verbose:1,fragment:e+g};var a=h.createElement("form");a.setAttribute("method","post");a.setAttribute("target","_blank");a.setAttribute("action",f);for(var j in i){var c=h.createElement("input");c.setAttribute("type","hidden");c.setAttribute("name",j);c.setAttribute("value",i[j]);a.appendChild(c)}if(navigator.appCodeName=="Mozilla"){h.body.appendChild(a)}a.submit()})();
like image 949
Damon Avatar asked Apr 30 '12 02:04


People also ask

What is the best website to validate HTML5 syntax?

The Nu HTML5 is a popular HTML 5 Validator Online tool. Nu HTML5 helps to scan the complete application and find out all the syntax errors in the application. It helps to validate all the HTML, CSS and XML syntax with NVDL drove validation and RESTful Web Service API.

How can I validate my HTML code?

You can validate both HTML and CSS files. You can use any commercial software package or free online application, such as the following World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) validators: W3C CSS Validator at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ W3C HTML Validator at http://validator.w3.org/

What is an HTML5 code validator?

An HTML validator is a specialized program or application used to check the validity of HTML markup in a Web page for any syntax and lexical errors.

How do I validate HTML code online?

HTML Validator is a free online developer tool to validate HTML code against the W3C standards as known as HTML linter instantly. Supports partial HTML code validation. You can either browse an HTML file, fetch HTML code from a URL, or paste HTML code manually, and then click the validate button.

2 Answers

First, you need an exact copy of the HTML document (including Doctype etc). For this purpose, I have written the following function:

function DOMtoString(document_root) {
    var html = '',
        node = document_root.firstChild;
    while (node) {
        switch (node.nodeType) {
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                html += node.outerHTML;
            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                html += node.nodeValue;
            case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
                html += '<![CDATA[' + node.nodeValue + ']]>';
            case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
                html += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
            case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
                // (X)HTML documents are identified by public identifiers
                html += "<!DOCTYPE "
                     + node.name
                     + (node.publicId ? ' PUBLIC "' + node.publicId + '"' : '')
                     + (!node.publicId && node.systemId ? ' SYSTEM' : '') 
                     + (node.systemId ? ' "' + node.systemId + '"' : '')
                     + '>\n';
        node = node.nextSibling;
    return html;

Then, a form has to be created and submitted. After inspecting the form submission to http://validator.w3.org/check, I've created the following function, which submits the significant key-value pairs:

javascript:(function() {
    var html_to_validate = DOMtoString(document);

    /* Paste the DOMtoString function here */

    function append(key, value) {
        var input = document.createElement('textarea');
        input.name = key;
        input.value = value;
    var form = document.createElement('form');
    form.method = 'POST';
    form.action = 'http://validator.w3.org/check';
    form.enctype = 'multipart/form-data';         // Required for this validator
    form.target = '_blank';                       // Open in new tab
    append('fragment', html_to_validate);         // <-- Code to validate
    append('doctype', 'HTML5');                   // Validate as HTML 5
    append('group', '0');


Copy the previous two blocks to Google's closure compiler. Do not forget to prefix javascript: again.

javascript:(function(){function c(a,b){var c=document.createElement("textarea");c.name=a;c.value=b;d.appendChild(c)}var e=function(a){for(var b="",a=a.firstChild;a;){switch(a.nodeType){case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:b+=a.outerHTML;break;case Node.TEXT_NODE:b+=a.nodeValue;break;case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:b+="<![CDATA["+a.nodeValue+"]]\>";break;case Node.COMMENT_NODE:b+="<\!--"+a.nodeValue+"--\>";break;case Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:b+="<!DOCTYPE "+a.name+(a.publicId?' PUBLIC "'+a.publicId+'"':"")+(!a.publicId&&a.systemId? " SYSTEM":"")+(a.systemId?' "'+a.systemId+'"':"")+">\n"}a=a.nextSibling}return b}(document),d=document.createElement("form");d.method="POST";d.action="http://validator.w3.org/check";d.enctype="multipart/form-data";d.target="_blank";c("fragment",e);c("doctype","HTML5");c("group","0");document.body.appendChild(d);d.submit()})();
like image 159
Rob W Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10

Rob W

I was also getting the 'Sorry! This document cannot be checked.' error, resolved it by adding an accept-charset "utf-8" to the form attributes.

In the function that creates the form element add the following line: form.acceptCharset = "utf-8";

It worked for me.

like image 35
Marta Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10
