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Making iTerm to translate 'meta-key' in the same way as in other OSes

Cmd+., Profiles, Keys and choose Left option Key acts as: +Esc.

Works for me in emacs, though I'm not sure if it will have any other undesirable effects.

Go to Bookmarks > Manage Profiles. Then select Keyboard Profiles > Global and choose Option Key as Meta. This works for me in version

In Menu bar Iterm2 => Preferences => Profiles choose the keys tab and select

left Option key act as +Esc

enter image description here

worked for me as well in irssi.

For iTerm2 users this answer just partially solves the problem.

Cmd+., Profiles, Keys and choose Left option Key acts as: +Esc.

In addition to that, you have to go to Preferences (Cmd+,) ➔ ProfilesKeys and in the Key Mappings find these Key Combination's: enter image description here and enter image description here. Double click on each mapping and change their Action and Esc+ to the following:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Go to your iTerm preferences select "profiles" then "key" and change your presets in "Natural Text Editing"

iTerm Preferences

It should work immediately after.

It works with iTerm version 3.3.12