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Unmount the directory which is mounted by sshfs in Mac [closed]

People also ask

How do I unmount in Sshfs?

To unmount the server connection, click the socket icon in the SSHFS Win-Manager menu. If the connection is no longer needed, delete the information using the Delete mode button.

How do I unmount a remote folder?

Right-click on the remote folder and select Unmount.

Can't Umount device or resource busy?

Answer. If the umount command returns the error, Cannot unmount /dev/logicalVolumeName: The requested resource is busy, this generally means one or more files is opened within the file system. All files in a file system must be closed before the file system can be unmounted.

Try this:

umount -f <absolute pathname to the mount point>


umount -f /Users/plummie/Documents/stanford 

If that doesn't work, try the same command as root:

sudo umount -f ...

Don't use umount.


fusermount -u PATH

sudo diskutil unmount force PATH 

Works every time :)
Notice the force tag

At least in 10.11 (El Capitan), the man page for umount indicates:

Due to the complex and interwoven nature of Mac OS X, umount may fail often. It is recommended that diskutil(1) (as in, "diskutil unmount /mnt") be used instead.

This approach (e.g., "diskutil umount path/to/mount/point") allows me to unmount sshfs-mounted content, and does not require sudo. (And I believe that it should work back through at least 10.8.)

use ps aux | grep sshfs to find the PID of sshfs (It will be the number next to the username)

Then kill -9 $PID, if the other solutions don't work

The following worked for me:

hdiutil detach <path to sshfs mount>


hdiutil detach /Users/user1/sshfs

One can also locate the volume created by sshfs in Finder, right-click, and select Eject. Which is, to the best of my knowledge, the GUI version of the above command.