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Making a DataGrid Column Header sortable in WPF using C#

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Can user sort columns WPF?

WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid) allows you to sort the data against one or more columns either in ascending or descending order. The sorting can be performed by clicking a column header. You can enable/disable the sorting for all the columns in DataGrid by using DataGrid. AllowSorting property.

How do I filter DataGrid?

To filter items in a DataGridAdd a handler for the CollectionViewSource. Filter event. In the Filter event handler, define the filtering logic. The filter will be applied every time the view is refreshed.

What is the difference between grid and DataGrid in WPF?

A Grid is a control for laying out other controls on the form (or page). A DataGrid is a control for displaying tabular data as read from a database for example.

In your DataGridTemplateColumn you have SortMemberPath set to "". If you set this to an actual property on the item (say, CompleteDate), you should be able to sort. You can also set CanUserSort="true" or CanUserSort="false" on selected columns.

SortMemberPath gives the property to sort on when the user attempts a sort. If this isn't set, then the grid doesn't know how to sort that column ( it does not use the text in the column)

            <my:DataGridTemplateColumn  SortMemberPath="CompleteDate" Header="Complete Date" CanUserSort="true">
            <my:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate >
                                <Binding Path="CompleteDate" ConverterCulture="en-GB" StringFormat="{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"/>