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make file with source subdirectories



My latest project is in C++ and I am using GNU Make. The project directory layout is as follows:

  |-subdir2 (containing tests)

I would like to be able to call make in the top level directory (i.e. need a makefile in the project directory) to compile all sources in both "src" subdirectories and place the resulting binaries in the "bin" directory.

What would be the best approach to do this? It would also be great if I didn't have to add a make rule for every source file, but just had one for all .cc and .h files in the directories.

like image 385
Jakob Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 13:03


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1 Answers

Make allows you to generalise your rules, so you won't need to create one for every file.

  |-subdir2 (containing tests)

You can try something like this:

#This finds all your cc files and places then into SRC. It's equivalent would be
# SRC = src/main.cc src/folder1/func1.cc src/folder1/func2.cc src/folder2/func3.cc

SRC = $(shell find . -name *.cc)

#This tells Make that somewhere below, you are going to convert all your source into 
#objects, so this is like:
# OBJ =  src/main.o src/folder1/func1.o src/folder1/func2.o src/folder2/func3.o

OBJ = $(SRC:%.cc=%.o)

#Tells make your binary is called artifact_name_here and it should be in bin/
BIN = bin/artifact_name_here

# all is the target (you would run make all from the command line). 'all' is dependent
# on $(BIN)
all: $(BIN)

#$(BIN) is dependent on objects
$(BIN): $(OBJ)
    g++ <link options etc>

#each object file is dependent on its source file, and whenever make needs to create
# an object file, to follow this rule:
%.o: %.cc
    g++ -c $< -o $@
like image 181
Sagar Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
