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Maintaining an open Redis PubSub subscription with Booksleeve

I am using a Redis pubsub channel to send messages from a pool of worker processes to my ASP.NET application. When a message is received, my application forwards the message to a client's browser with SignalR.

I found this solution to maintaining an open connection to Redis, but it doesn't account for subscriptions when it recreates the connection.

I'm currently handling Redis pubsub messages in my Global.asax file:

public class Application : HttpApplication
    protected void Application_Start()
        var gateway = Resolve<RedisConnectionGateway>();
        var connection = gateway.GetConnection();
        var channel = connection.GetOpenSubscriberChannel();

        channel.PatternSubscribe("workers:job-done:*", OnExecutionCompleted);

    /// <summary>
    /// Handle messages received from workers through Redis.</summary>
    private static void OnExecutionCompleted(string key, byte[] message)
        /* forwarded the response to the client that requested it */

The problem occurs when the current RedisConnection is closed for whatever reason. The simplest solution the problem would be to fire an event from the RedisConnectionGateway class when the connection has been reset, and resubscribe using a new RedisSubscriberChannel. However, any messages published to the channel while the connection is being reset would be lost.

Are there any examples of recommended ways to handle this situation?

like image 805
Justin Rusbatch Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 19:04

Justin Rusbatch

People also ask

Is Redis pub/sub persistent?

No - Redis' Pub/Sub has no persistence, and once a message has been published, it is sent only to the connected subscribed clients.

Is Redis good for Pubsub?

Aside from data storage, Redis can be used as a Publisher/Subscriber platform. In this pattern, publishers can issue messages to any number of subscribers on a channel.

How does Redis pub/sub work internally?

Redis Pub/Sub implements the messaging system where the senders (in redis terminology called publishers) sends the messages while the receivers (subscribers) receive them. The link by which the messages are transferred is called channel. In Redis, a client can subscribe any number of channels.

How many subscribers can Redis handle?

Regarding the number of subscribers and publishers, it is limited by the maxclients setting, 10,000 by default. There is no limitation for subscribers and publishers, but the maximum clients (connections) limit applies.

1 Answers

Yes, if the connection dies (network instability, re-mastering, whatever) then you will need to re-apply any subscriptions you have made. An event to reconnect and resubscribe is pretty normal, and not very different to what we use here on SE/SO (except we typically track more granular subscriptions, and have some wrapper code that handles all that).

Yes, any events published while your connection was broken are gone. That is the nature of redis pub/sub; it does not guarantee delivery to disconnected clients. Either use a tool that does promise this, or use redis to drive a queue instead - pushing/popping to/from opposite ends of a list is usually a reasonable alternative, and ensures nothing is lost (as long as your software doesn't drop it after popping it from the list). If it helps, I have on my list a request to add the blocking pop methods - they totally destroy the multiplexer intent, but they have genuine use in some cases, so I'm not against adding them.

like image 85
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Marc Gravell