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Iframes Vs. Frames




I understand that frames are a lot more typing work to implement than Iframes, and that they require a lot more styling than Iframes. I am currently working on a website which must download some content (in fact, an entire set of webpages) from another website, one - by - one of course depending on the user's action on the main website. Iframes seem to be a short and rowdy way to implement this requirement, but what I am worried about is performance and integrity.

I would like some advice on what I would rather use when the following criteria is met:

  1. The pages that must be downloaded onto my webpage are quite large (width and height)
  2. Contains multiple images
  3. Experiences occasional downtimes (maintainence)

any ideas for a man in wonder?

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Eon Avatar asked Apr 14 '11 20:04


1 Answers

At this point, go with iFrames:

  • iFrame is HTML5. Frameset is obsolete in HTML5.
  • You have to load pages into each Frameset. iFrames can be embedded anywhere in a document.
  • You can style, hide, resize either, but iFrames are much easier to work with in this regard.

I've seen cases where the developer went with Frameset because he couldn't get the iFrame to size properly, but this isn't too big a deal with a little Javascript (if even that). The only reason to use a Frameset is if you don't fear it's eventual deprecation with modern browsers, and/or if you can't get iFrames to size the way you want based on the content you're integrating and need a quick solution.

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Fred Wilson Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 00:10

Fred Wilson