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MacVim + Command-T plugin, how open in new tab by default




I would like to do the following with the Command-T plugin for VIM: Make opening files be in a new tab by default, instead of having to hit CTRL-T when a file is selected. I would like [Enter] to open the selected file in a new tab. I can't find anything in the options about this behavior.

like image 851
Andy Ray Avatar asked May 28 '11 03:05

Andy Ray

1 Answers

You can add this to your .vimrc file to avoid editing the controller.rb file.

let g:CommandTAcceptSelectionMap = '<C-t>'
let g:CommandTAcceptSelectionTabMap = '<CR>'

This basically switches the two mappings so that Enter opens the selected file in a tab and CTRL-T opens in the same tab.

like image 166
Bryan Zarzuela Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09

Bryan Zarzuela