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How to safely update a grails plugin




I've been working on a grails project for a while now and some of the plugins I installed initially have been updated.

I ran the following scripts to see what plugins needed updating

grails list-plugin-updates

and the result was

Plugins with available updates are listed below:
<Plugin>            <Current>         <Available>
joda-time           1.1               1.2
jquery-ui           1.8.7             1.8.11
recaptcha           0.5.0             0.5.2
searchable           0.6
tomcat              1.3.7   

Now how do I go about updating all or some these plugins?

Is it a matter of uninstalling and reinstalling each one?

How does this affect usages/references to the plugin in the main code?

like image 634
gotomanners Avatar asked Jun 11 '11 03:06


People also ask

Where are Grails plugins stored?

By default the plugins are in . grails/<version>/<project>/plugins . You can change it by setting grails. project.

How to check Grails version in application?

Metadata regarding a project in Grails is kept in application. properties . Within this file you will find the version of Grails used for the project under the key app.

How do I download Grails IntelliJ plugin?

Support for the Grails framework is not bundled with IntelliJ IDEA. You can install the Grails plugin from the JetBrains repository as described in Install plugins. The latest compatible version of IntelliJ IDEA is 2021.3. You can find the documentation for Grails support in earlier versions of IntelliJ IDEA Help.

1 Answers

To update a plugin you just run install-plugin again and it'll detect that the plugin's already installed and will remove the old one and install the new one. For a small version delta this should be fine, but I'd do them one at a time and test in-between (but do the 2 JQuery plugins together).

If you're lucky the plugin either has no compatibility issues, or they're documented in the plugin docs, so be sure to check there before upgrading.

like image 195
Burt Beckwith Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09

Burt Beckwith