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Mac OS X (Big Sur) capybara-webkit installation problem

I have a problem with installation of capybara-webkit gem. Here is part of my test group in gemfile:

 group :test do
  gem 'capybara-webkit'

And when I write 'bundle' on console - it gives me out

`"An error occurred while installing capybara-webkit (1.15.1), and Bundler cannot continue. Make sure that `gem install capybara-webkit -v '1.15.1' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling."`

So I found out that I need to install qt via homebrew. So I go to homebrew-core, wrote 'brew update', than 'cd $( brew --prefix )/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core' ; 'git checkout 9ba3d6ef8891e5c15dbdc9333f857b13711d4e97 Formula/[email protected]' ; and 'brew install [email protected]'. And then it gives me out 'Error: [email protected]: unknown version :mountain_lion'. I found out that problem may in 'Formula/[email protected]' where it has string 'depends_on :macos => :mountain_lion'. So I commented it and then when I write 'brew install [email protected]' - it gives me out another error:

 "Error: Failed to download resource "[email protected]_bottle_manifest""

What may be the problem?

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Silka Avatar asked May 24 '21 15:05


1 Answers

After many attempts, I was able to install capybara-webkit by using the steps from https://til.magmalabs.io/posts/529a5ae0ac-other-errors-when-installing-capybara-webkit-gem-m1-mac-big-sur

brew tap cartr/qt4
brew install qt@4
brew install [email protected]

The qt5.5 formula gives errors on BigSur, however qt4 seems to install just fine.

After I had all dependencies resolved, a bundle install successfully resolved the capybara-webkit dependency (1.15.1 was the version I used in Gemfile). Also the cucumber tests executed with no problems, which confirmed the fact that capybara-webkit 1.15.1 works with qt4 and [email protected].

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Cristik Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
