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How to handle ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique in Rails properly

I am trying to enforce uniqueness with unique index in my Rails project. And I found something confusing.

Like registering a user at my site, you need to provide an email address and a nickname, both need to be unique. I add unique index to both email and nickname. And when duplications come, I rescue exception ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique, now here's the question, how could I know which field cause the exception?

Thanks a lot for the help.

like image 814
larryzhao Avatar asked May 10 '15 11:05


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1 Answers

IMHO you should also add uniqueness validators to your model. That allows you to use Rails' validations and error messages.

# add to model
validates :email,    uniqueness: true
validates :nickname, uniqueness: true

Note that to ensure uniqueness on a database level a unique index is still needed.

like image 196
spickermann Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
