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Looping through characters in Perl




I'm having quite a difficulty, figuring out some strange behavior when looping through symbols in Perl, using the for loop. This code snippet works just as expected:

for (my $file = 'a'; $file le 'h'; $file++) {
    print $file;

Output: abcdefgh

But when I try the loop through the symbols backward, like this:

for (my $file = 'h'; $file ge 'a'; $file--) { 
    print $file;

gives me the following as a result.

Output: h

Maybe the decrement operator doesn't behave as I think it does when symbols are involved?

Does anybody have any ideas on the matter? I'd really appreciate your help!



like image 203
Tomislav Dyulgerov Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 20:01

Tomislav Dyulgerov

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1 Answers

The auto-decrement operator is not magical, as per perlop

You can do something like this though:

for my $file (reverse 'a' .. 'h') { 
    print $file;
like image 116
Eric Strom Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10

Eric Strom