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What character replacements should be performed to make base 64 encoding URL safe?

In looking at URL safe base 64 encoding, I've found it to be a very non-standard thing. Despite the copious number of built in functions that PHP has, there isn't one for URL safe base 64 encoding. On the manual page for base64_encode(), most of the comments suggest using that function, wrapped with strtr():

function base64_url_encode($input)
     return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/=', '-_,');

The only Perl module I could find in this area is MIME::Base64::URLSafe (source), which performs the following replacement internally:

sub encode ($) {
    my $data = encode_base64($_[0], '');
    $data =~ tr|+/=|\-_|d;
    return $data;

Unlike the PHP function above, this Perl version drops the '=' (equals) character entirely, rather than replacing it with ',' (comma) as PHP does. Equals is a padding character, so the Perl module replaces them as needed upon decode, but this difference makes the two implementations incompatible.

Finally, the Python function urlsafe_b64encode(s) keeps the '=' padding around, prompting someone to put up this function to remove the padding which shows prominently in Google results for 'python base64 url safe':

from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode

def uri_b64encode(s):
    return urlsafe_b64encode(s).strip('=')

def uri_b64decode(s):
    return urlsafe_b64decode(s + '=' * (4 - len(s) % 4))

The desire here is to have a string that can be included in a URL without further encoding, hence the ditching or translation of the characters '+', '/', and '='. Since there isn't a defined standard, what is the right way?

like image 629
Drew Stephens Avatar asked Sep 11 '09 17:09

Drew Stephens

People also ask

What characters are used for Base64?

Base64 only contains A–Z , a–z , 0–9 , + , / and = . So the list of characters not to be used is: all possible characters minus the ones mentioned above. For special purposes .

Is Base64 safe for URL?

By consisting only of ASCII characters, base64 strings are generally url-safe, and that's why they can be used to encode data in Data URLs.

Is Base64 encoding safe?

Base64 is a commonly used encoding scheme originally designed as a way to represent binary data in an ASCII text format. Like almost every aspect of computer technology today, base64 if not used properly, can result is increased security risk.

2 Answers

There does appear to be a standard, it is RFC 3548, Section 4, Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet:

This encoding is technically identical to the previous one, except for the 62:nd and 63:rd alphabet character, as indicated in table 2.

+ and / should be replaced by - (minus) and _ (understrike) respectively. Any incompatible libraries should be wrapped so they conform to RFC 3548.

Note that this requires that you URL encode the (pad) = characters, but I prefer that over URL encoding the + and / characters from the standard base64 alphabet.

like image 113
Grant Wagner Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Grant Wagner

I don't think there is right or wrong. But most popular encoding is

'+/=' => '-_.'

This is widely used by Google, Yahoo (they call it Y64). The most url-safe version of encoders I used on Java, Ruby supports this character set.

like image 39
ZZ Coder Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09

ZZ Coder